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While researching my topic, I came acrosss a few testimonials of adults who shared how they were impacted by their past teachers. Here are a few examples. 


"In eleventh grade I was struggling with composition. A new English teacher took the time to point out that there were some good things in my writing. It motivated me to work harder on my themes, and before the year was out I received my first 'A minus' on a composition. I still have that composition."


"I remember an exceptional American history teacher in high school during my junior year. I was impressed with his love of the subject and his teaching talent. He went out of his way throughout the year to encourage me to speak up in class. He sensed that I was shy, so, in measured steps and with great skill he asked more and more of me in terms of participating and projecting in discussions. He believed in me and gently pushed me to face what I found hardest to do -- speak in the public arena. I will never forget him."


"Ms. Root, my ninth-grade algebra teacher, is that person who made a lasting impression. Her passion for teaching and her sincere commitment to all students was present every day. She instilled expectations for every student in her classroom and motivated each of us to meet those expectations. Her support, encouragement and smile were always there for students she served."

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